How we handle your data

At Alpine Property, we prioritise transparency and respect your privacy. You can see our privacy policy here. On this page we explain in plain English how we collect and use your data:

1. Data collected through website interaction

When you visit our website, we collect some general data through your interactions. This data is not very detailed and includes:

Note on Cookies: While ads are unavoidable online, allowing cookies means the ads you see are more likely to be relevant to your interests and lifestyle.

2. Data collected through phone and email contact

When you contact us via phone or email, we collect:

Additionally, we make an initial assumption about the type of property you're interested in and clarify this through direct communication. This helps us provide relevant property recommendations via email.

Consent for updates: We will send you an email asking for your permission to keep you updated on new properties. Without your consent, we cannot send these updates due to GDPR compliance. You can unsubscribe at any time.

3. Data collected during property transactions

When you buy or sell a property with us, we collect more sensitive information:

Data retention policy